Hazards of Smoking What is your opinion on smoking?


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Presentation transcript:

Hazards of Smoking What is your opinion on smoking? Read what these people think of smoking. Do you agree with them? Smoking makes me look mature and stylish.  Smoking is bad for our health and pollutes the environment.  Now I don’t feel left out by my peers 朋輩. 

Hazards of Smoking What are the hazards of smoking? Do the following experiment to see how smoking changes a smoker’s lungs. Place a cotton pad at the opening of the pump. Light the cigarette. Press and then release the pump to mimic smoking. Remove the cotton pad.

Hazards of Smoking What are the hazards of smoking? Result: The cotton pad represents the lungs of a smoker. Result: There is some sticky 黏性 _________ substance on the cotton pad. brownish Look at the change of the cotton pad. What do the lungs of a smoker look like? Harmful substances in cigarette smoke have damaged the lung tissues.

Hazards of Smoking Tar焦油 What are the hazards of smoking? How do the harmful substances in cigarette smoke affect our body? Over 4000 harmful substances are released by a lit cigarette and more than 40 of them are cancer-causing / carcinogenic.致癌 Contain cancer-causing substances 含致癌物質. They irritate 刺激 the respiratory system呼吸系統 and turn fingernails and teeth yellow. Tar焦油

Hazards of Smoking Nicotine尼古丁 What are the hazards of smoking? How do the harmful substances in cigarette smoke affect our body? Usually used as industrial pesticides工業殺蟲劑. I am additive使人上癮. I narrow blood vessels收縮血管and thicken the blood影響血液循環,更令血壓上升 加速心跳(每支香煙每分鍾快15-20下 Nicotine尼古丁

Hazards of Smoking Carbon monoxide 一氧化碳 What are the hazards of smoking? How do the harmful substances in cigarette smoke affect our body? I am toxic 有毒. I reduce the oxygen-carrying ability of the blood妨礙氧氣輸送 and make people age faster. Carbon monoxide 一氧化碳

Oesophageal cancer食道癌 Hazards of Smoking What diseases does smoking cause? Stroke 中風 Oral cancer 口腔癌 Throat cancer咽喉癌 Oesophageal cancer食道癌 Lung cancer 肺癌 Bronchitis 支氣管炎 Heart disease 心臟病 Stomach cancer胃癌


Lung cancer

Hazards of Smoking To remind the public of the hazards of smoking. The Government requires the posting of health warning on all tobacco products. Why? To remind the public of the hazards of smoking.

Hazards of Smoking tar nicotine carbon monoxide Smoking ruins 損害 looks 儀容 How does heavy smoking ruin one’s looks? Wrinkles皺紋and freckles斑點on the face Yellowish skin, teeth, and finger nails Premature white hair Does smoking make people look attractive? Why? No. Smoking also causes rough skin皮膚粗糙, pimples生暗瘡, bad breath口臭, etc) tar The harmful substances such as ___________, ____________, and _____________________ in cigarette smoke ruin our health and looks. nicotine carbon monoxide

Hazards of Smoking Costs of smoking How does smoking affect Sam and the people around him? 2 Harmful to health 1 Affect working performance.

Hazards of Smoking 結局? Costs of smoking How does smoking affect Sam and the people around him? 4 3 Burning cigarette may cause fires. 引起火警。 Much money is wasted on buying tobacco products. 結局? 5 It is illegal to smoke indoors and second-hand smoke is harmful to others.

嬰兒 嬰兒流產率 女性吸煙者有29%機會流產,較非吸煙人士高出十倍。 吸煙會減低輸送給胎兒之血液與氧份,胎兒的呼吸活動將減慢三分之一。

體能發展: 呼吸病(氣管炎及肺炎)患病率高出2倍。 視力問題之患病率高出2倍。 智力發展: 閱讀與算術之學習進度較三至五個月慢。

非吸煙人士 吸煙者直接吸入體內的煙氣稱為「二手煙」。 香煙在空氣中燃點所放出的煙氣稱為「二手煙」。 「二手煙」未經過濾,因此比「主流煙」含有更多有毒化學物質:超過三倍的焦油和六倍的尼古丁。


Hazards of Smoking How do we refuse the offer to smoke and avoid second-hand smoking? If your friends asks you to smoke, you should… You should: Say “No” directly. Leave at once. Give other suggestions. Be a man and take a puff!

Hazards of Smoking Avoid second-hand smoking What are the no smoking areas in Hong Kong? Why does the Government ban smoking in these areas? To reduce the effects of exposure to second-hand smoke on the public. Public transports and indoor workplaces Restaurants食肆 Shopping malls

Hazards of Smoking Avoid second-hand smoking If you were one of the non-smokers below, how would you feel and what would you do? No smoking I would feel very annoyed. I would tell him it is non-smoking area. We must not smoke and should also avoid _______________ smoking. second-hand

Hazards of Smoking Why is it difficult to quit smoking? Nicotine is the substance that causes addiction. Once a smoker quits smoking, he/she may therefore experience short-term discomfort when the nicotine inside his/her body starts to metabolise out of the body. These symptoms are called "withdrawal symptoms"退癮徵狀 . Common withdrawal symptoms include: Dizziness,頭 暈 headache Tiredness, poor concentration 精 神 不 集 中 Dry mouth and throat 喉 乾 舌 燥, cough Hunger, increased appetite 食 慾 增 加,

Hazards of Smoking Third-hand smoke Third-hand smoke means the chemical residual of tobacco smoke contamination煙草殘餘化學物質 that clings to clothing, wall, furniture, hair and skin after the cigarette is extinguished.