To guess meanings. To guess meanings Reading to grasp main idea 主旨大意 to find specific facts and details 事实细节 to guess the meanings 词义猜测 to reason.


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Presentation transcript:

To guess meanings

Reading to grasp main idea 主旨大意 to find specific facts and details 事实细节 to guess the meanings 词义猜测 to reason or judge 推理判断

How to grasp main idea To find topic sentences To judge its writing styles To change positions with the writers

How to find specific facts and details To skim and scan To read according to writing orders To find key words: time, positions, verbs etc.

In many tests, we can come across this kind of questions In many tests, we can come across this kind of questions. Usually we will meet the following types: some familiar words used in new situations special terms rare words

Questions are usually as follows: 1) According to the author, the word “…” means _______. The word “…” most likely means _______. The word “…” in Line ...probably means By the word “…”, the author means_______. In Line ... , the word “…” refers to _______. Which of the following is nearest /closest in meaning to “…” ? 7) In Line …, the word “…” could best be replaced by which of the following?

SKILLS using synonym context clues using antonym context clues using word formations using reasoning or logic exercises and homework

1. like,…, the same as, to be,mean,refer to 等; defined as, be known as , be called, be termed 等; 3.and 和 or 等 4.以同位语从句,定语从句为线索 5.以标点符号为线索

【例1】 Mother was tall, fat and middle-aged 【例1】 Mother was tall, fat and middle-aged. The principal of the school was an older woman, almost as plump as mother, and much shorter. 【解】 “圆胖的, 丰满的” using synonym context clues

【例2】I told him my job was known as a mason, a person whose job is cutting stone into shape for building. 【解】”石 匠”

【例3】Children often try to emulate or copy the behavior that they see on television.  【解】 “仿效”

【例4】At forty-two he was in his prime and always full of energy. 【解】 从“年龄42岁”以及与prime具有同等关系的full of energy, 可以猜出prime的意思是“盛年时期”。 3.and 和 or 等

【例5】He was a prestidigitator who entertained the children by pulling rabbits out of his hats, swallowing fire, and other similar tricks. 【解】 “变戏法者” 4.以同位语从句,定语从句为线索

【例6】 It will be very hard but also very brittle — that is, it will break easily. 【解】 “脆”

阅读中应多注意带有 but, yet, however, otherwise, Nevertheless,in contrast,on the other hand,rather than, although,while unlike,whereas 等表示转折意义的词或是有分号的句子。这类句子前后存在明显的对比关系,根据已知内容,通过对比很容易猜出生词的意义。

【例1】Our maths professor claims that all the problems he gives us are simple ones,however,we feel that they are intricate and hard to solve. 【解】 “复杂的”

【例2】John usually wastes a lot of money on such useless things;compared to him, his wife is very thrifty.  【解】 “节俭的”

using antonym context clues 【例3】Sally is an active girl. Unlike her, her sister was quite sedate. 【解】“沉闷的” using antonym context clues

inter- mini- micro- re- sub- co- post- pre- trans- under- 在……之间 super- 超 再反复 极少的 底下,分支的 后 超越 微小 一同,一起 之前 在…下, super- inter- mini- micro- re- sub- co- post- pre- trans- under-

mis- un-,in,im,dis,non; anti- -hood -ish -proof -ship -some -wards -less 不,非 反对, 时期,状态,性质 如同…的 不,无 误,恶 易于…的 向… 身份,资格。 防…的 antifreezing antistaling brotherhood childish citizenship troublesome

supergirl interaction miniskirt microphone rearm subconsciously comate ladyship troublesome sunwards ceaseless postscript prehistoric transnational underwear misstep nonhuman antibody Childhood childish waterproof

1.以因果关系为线索 cause and effect 2.以列举的事例为线索 examples 运用生活经验及普通常识进行推理 common sense 4. 联想法 imagination

【例1】 She wanted the hairdresser to trim her hair a bit because it was too long. 【解】 “修剪” 1.以因果关系为线索 cause and effect

【例2】You can take any of the periodicals: The World of English, Foreign Language Teaching in Schools, or English Learning. 【解】 “期刊” 2.以列举的事例为线索 examples

运用生活经验及普通常识进行推理 common sense 【例3】 Most of the roses are beginning to wither because of the cold. 【解】 “枯萎” 运用生活经验及普通常识进行推理 common sense

【例4】 On entering the room, he began to measure his legs on the floor. 【解】 他一进屋就摔了个大跟头。 4. 联想法 imagination

1. Chicken becomes rotten very quickly.It can go bad in a refrigerator if it is left there for more than a week. If you have any suspicion that the meat is bad, don‘t eat it.Instead inspect it very carefully;Check the smell,how it looks and feels.

The first sign that the chicken is rotten is the smell.If the chicken has a bad 1)odor,you should throw it out.The second sign whether chicken is rotten is the look.If the meat is black,throw it out.The third sign is the feel of the chicken.If the meat is very soft,it might be rotten. 2)Discard it if it is.If only part of the chicken is bad,remove the rotten 3)Portion and keep the rest.

A.sound B.picture C.smell (2) The word“discard” means . (1) “Odor” means . A.sound B.picture C.smell (2) The word“discard” means . A.Keep B.throw out C.cook it again (3) “Portion” here means . A.whole B.part C.half

2.The underlined word “pesetas” in Para 2 is a kind of _. 2. We have collected foreign coins for years – since our families went on holiday to Tenerife. She explains. That was before the Euro( a kind of money ), so we put pesetas in. 2.The underlined word “pesetas” in Para 2 is a kind of _. A.story B.collection C.inspiration D.foreign coin (NMET 2005 湖南)

B.too confident and rude C.lacking in experience D.too shy and quiet 3.“But,” said Kim, “I feel that since you are my superior, it would be presumptuous of me to tell you what to do” The word “presumptuous “ in the middle of the passage is closest in meaning to _. A.full of respect B.too confident and rude C.lacking in experience D.too shy and quiet (NMET 2005 上海)

Homework Preview the last group to reason or judge