單複數與冠詞 英三B 楊婷鈴
Introduction of Nouns
Plural Nouns(複數名詞) Q: What is a plural noun??? nine books A book
複數名詞之規則變化1 沒有特殊情況直接加s girl +s girls book books dog dogs rose roses orange oranges
複數名詞之規則變化2 單字字尾是s, x, z,sh, ch,時,名詞加上es bus +es buses box boxes dish dishes watch watches
複數名詞之規則變化3-1 單字字尾是y時,分為兩種 (1)母音加y,直接加s toy +s toys key keys boy boys day days
複數名詞之規則變化3-2 單字字尾是y時,分為兩種 (2)子音加y, 去y 加上 ies city 去y+ies cities candy candies baby babies
複數名詞之規則變化4 單字字尾是o的話比較複雜,有加s/es,甚至有些單字可以同時加上s/es,這部分只要多看幾次,就會比較熟能生巧。
mosquitos/mosquitoes 複數名詞之規則變化4-Examples video +s videos piano pianos zoo zoos photo photos hero +es heroes potato potatoes Cargo +s/+es cargos/cargoes mosquito mosquitos/mosquitoes
複數名詞之規則變化5-1 單字字尾是f/fe時,有兩種變化 (1)直接加s Chief(首領) +s chiefs roof roofs Safe(保險箱) safes
複數名詞之規則變化5-2 單字字尾是f/fe時,有兩種變化 (2)去掉f/fe,加上ves leaf 去f+ves leaves thief thieves knife knives wife wives wolf wolves half halves
複數名詞之不規則變化 Man → men Woman → women [ˋwimin] Child → children Ox → oxen Foot → feet Goose → geese/gooses Mouse → mice Tooth → teeth Bacterium → bacteria 細菌 crisis [ˋkraisis] → crises [ˋkraisiz] 危機 phenomenon → phenomena 現象
單複數同形 sheep Fish species “two fishes” 並不是指兩條魚,意思是兩種魚類喔!
Some Practices…
冠詞(articles) Q: What is an article??? A: 冠詞是形容詞的一種,它用來修飾名詞。 冠詞分為兩種, 定冠詞(definite articles)&不定冠詞(indefinite articles)
Indefinite Articles---”A”/”An” 只加在單數名詞的前面,所以不會有複數產生,他用來修飾非限定的人事物。 Ex(1): There is an old man and a dog.(沒有限定) Ex(2): Let’s read a book. (隨便一本書,沒有限定)
Distinction between A & An The form an is used before words starting with a vowel sound, regardless of whether the word begins with a vowel letter. Ex: a broken egg Ex: an apple Ex: a European country (因為European是字母是發“y”) 不是看到a,e,i,o,u 就直接使用an喔!
Definite Articles---” the” 1.通常用來指定或是限定人事物的名詞上,可以接單數或者是複數名詞。(例如:第二次講到同樣的東西) Ex(1): There is an old man and a dog. The dog is barking at the old man. (指的是前面句子提到的老人還有狗) Ex(2): Let’s read the book. (有限定哪一本書)
2.用在獨一無二的自然界物體前 3.用在最高級形容詞前 4. the+形容詞= (所有)的人 Ex: the sun, the moon, the earth, the world 3.用在最高級形容詞前 Ex: the most beautiful, the hardest 4. the+形容詞= (所有)的人 Ex: the poor 窮苦的人=poor people
其它狀況也會用到the… 6. the+序數 5. in the morning/ afternoon/ evening in the past/ in the future/ in the 1980s/ in the 21st century 6. the+序數 Ex: I live on the third floor. 得到幾名,名次前面不加the。 Ex: I won the first prize. ---- (X) I won first prize. ---------(O)
完全不能加a/an或the 專有名詞或人名前面不能加a/an或the,除非後面接了一個普通名詞 Ex: I am the Tina. ----(x) I am Tina. ---------(o) Ex: I went to the Taipei Park Zoo. ----(o)
References http://www.gotoabc.url.tw/basic/basicgrammar/plural/plural.htm http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/teacher-sammy/article?mid=310&next=296&l=f&fid=26 http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/teacher-sammy/article?mid=2830&prev=-2&next=-2&page=1&sc=1#yartcmt http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/540/01/
If there is any question, please email me…【s9941089@pu.edu.tw】