Word Formation 张Andy 现代大学英语 阅读1 分册 Contemporary College English


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张Andy http://www.tronest.cn Word Formation 张Andy http://www.tronest.cn 现代大学英语 阅读1 分册 Contemporary College English 杨立民 外语教学与研究出版社 创思英语:http://www.tronest.cn 英语阅读课件 英语专业泛读课件

Warm-up How are these words formed? What is the meaning of “word”? There is a place in the Atlantic Ocean where ships and airplanes seem to disappear more often than anywhere else on Earth. It seems to form a triangle between Miami, Bermuda, and the ocean east of Puerto Rico. This place is called the Bermuda Triangle. Over 100 planes and ships have been lost there since 1945. Over 1,000 people have disappeared. 现代大学英语 阅读1 分册 第19课 The Mystery of the Bermuda Triangle Contemporary College English 杨立民 外语教学与研究出版社 创思英语:http://www.tronest.cn 英语阅读课件 英语专业泛读课件 What is the meaning of “word”?

OUTLINE Derivatives 派生词 Compounds 复合词 Lexical change 词汇演变 单词构成 构词法 Andy原创! Note the difference between (1, 2) and 3.

1. Derivatives free speaker root bound receive derivative prefix disappear affix infix teeth 派生词 词根 词缀 前缀 后缀 中缀 自由词根 粘着词根 英语构词法:常见词缀和词根.doc http://www.tronest.cn/user/tronest/EnglishReading/word%20formation.doc a. n. v. adv. suffix speaker Pick out derivatives from the text, and give similar examples.

2. Compounds Noun airplane (n.+n.), meantime (a.+n.) Verb sleepwalk (n.+v.), whitewash (a.+v.) Adj. one-way (num.+n.), well-known (adv.+pp.) compound Adv. forever (prep.+adv.), anywhere (a.+adv.) 复合词 合成词 分类 复合名词 复合动词 复合形容词 合成副词 合成介词 合成代词 Prep. into (adv.+prep.), within (prep.+adv.) Pron. myself (pron.+n.), anything (a.+n.) Pick out compounds from the text, and give similar examples.

3. Lexical change Kodak, Coke, nylon Invention smog, telecast Blending ad, plane, flu, lab Abbreviation WTO, VIP, TOEFL Acronym 词汇的演变 变化 全新词的产生coined words 造词 混成词 blended 截断词 abbreviated 首字母缩略词 混成法 反成法 反向构词 外来词 edit, lase Back-formation hamburger, kung-fu Borrowing