XDF.SH “译”鸣惊人 主讲人:周佳.


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Presentation transcript:

XDF.SH “译”鸣惊人 主讲人:周佳

目录 CONTENTS 01 02 03 听译 笔译 口译 得“意”忘“形” 信、达、雅 唯快不破

01 听译 得“意”忘“形” Get the meaning, forget the words.

NOTE taking Ex. English Version Notes Researchers from 26 universities around the world are working on a project of potatoes. More than 1 billion people worldwide are eating potatoes, and the scientists say the number is growing as the demand for food increases. Most people are surprised to know that it's the world third most important crops. rsh○/26 uni/Ө wrk/proj/pota ----------------------------------- >1 b ○ /Ө eat sci○: NO. ↑ ∵ dmd/fd ↑ mt sur→know =Ө 3rd * crop

高口-PT. (2016-3-Psg 2) term “inf. age”=ind▪ Ө/we live ≈1970/mk gd/ raw mate ×big3 indu big3 biz /devd □=inf/∵ema Int TV cell-p inf √ buy sell eg. Co mk mon/: oth biz/u ur fam ☺ they √ sell u =vio/priv if ur ◦ inf. 公/delib →strg◦/unlaw purp The term "information age" refers to the post-industrial world we live in. That's the times since about 1970 when making goods from raw materials was no longer the biggest industry. Instead, the biggest business in developed countries has been information, which we have more access to thanks to email, the Internet, TV and cell phones. Information can also be bought or sold. For example, some companies make money by telling other businesses about the kinds of things you and your family like doing so they can sell you things. Of course it's a violation of privacy if your personal information has been disclosed deliberately to strangers for unlawful purpose.

02 翻译 信、达、雅 faithfulness, expressiveness, elegance

直译和意译的实战运用 直译与意译 直译 保留原有句子结构,按照字面意思翻译 意译 在不损害原文内容前提下,对原文做相应调整

英译汉 He was buried in trees.

英译汉 How will universities prepare their graduates who will extract the best and explore the greatest in this increasingly complex society? E 在这日新月异、充满变数的社会,大学将如何培养那些善于取精用弘的学生呢? C

英译汉 Being unhappy is like an infectious disease. It causes people to shrink away from the sufferer. He soon finds himself alone and miserable. There is, however, a cure so simple as to seem, at first glance, ridiculous: if you don't feel happy, pretend to be! It works. Before long you will find that instead of pushing people away, you attract them. You discover how deeply rewarding it is to be the center of wider and wider circles of good will.

Sentence 1 Being unhappy is like an infectious disease. It causes people to shrink away from the sufferer. 【直译】 不快乐就像传染病,它使得人们都躲避不快乐的人。 【意译】 负面情绪就像一种传染病,它会让周围人都避而远之。

Sentence 2 He soon finds himself alone and miserable. 【考点】 增词法、成语 【直译】 不快乐的人很快就会发现自己孤独、悲惨。 【意译】 患这种“病”的人很快就会形单影只,苦不堪言。

Sentence 3 There is, however, a cure so simple as to seem, at first glance, ridiculous: if you don't feel happy, pretend to be! 【直译】 然而,有一种看起来简单,初看荒唐:如果你不快乐,就假装你很快乐! 【意译】 然而,有一个看似简单的治病良方,乍一看甚至有些可笑:如果你高兴不 起来,那就强装高兴!

Sentence 4 It works. 【考点】 增词法 【直译】这很有效。 【意译】这招很管用。

Sentence 5 Before long you will find that instead of pushing people away, you attract them. 【考点】 否定译法 【译法1】 不久你就会发现,别人不再躲着你了,相反,你开始吸引别人了。 【译法2】 很快你就会觉得,你把人们都吸引过来了,而不是把他们都驱赶走了。

Sentence 6 You discover how deeply rewarding it is to be the center of wider and wider circles of good will. 【考点】 比较级 引申含义 【直译】 你会发觉,做一块能激起好意涟漪的小石头有多么值得。 【意译】 你会发现,要成为越来越宽广交际圈的中心,这一招会有多受用。

with other ingredients 中国菜名译法(公式) cooking method 1 main ingredient 2 with other ingredients 3 in…sauce / oil 4

涮羊肉 instant-boiled lamb 公式:1+2 cooking method + main ingredient

红烧鱼片 sliced fish filets in brown sauce 公式:2+4 main ingredient + in...sauce

03 口译 唯快不破 quick response

I, on behalf of the Chinese government, would like to express my sincere gratitude to your hospitality. 我谨代表中国政府,对贵方的热情款待深表感谢。 代表 on behalf of... 深表感谢 express one's sincere gratitude 热情款待 hospitality

无口译 不学霸 海关学院口译学习群

THANKS 新东方口译研究中心 中国 上海