探究高考新题型-阅读填空题 Welcome! 制作、授课:汉寿一中曾菊珍.


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Presentation transcript:

探究高考新题型-阅读填空题 Welcome! 制作、授课:汉寿一中曾菊珍

Led-in: difficult? How? Some kills?

Key to NMET 2006HuNan 76.Quality After-school Program 81.Drug use 82.Integrated development/ All-around development 77. Aims/Purposes 78.Decresing youth crimes 83.Result 79.Improved academic behaviors 84.Assessments 80.Less blame 85.Student difference

Ⅰ.解题技巧,步骤及注意事项 答案不唯一 忠于原文 认真分析 大意及每段大意 找读—带着问题找读 (有针对性,节约时间) 细读—分析整合信息 略读—快速浏览抓住中心 大意及每段大意 找读—带着问题找读 答案不唯一 忠于原文 (有针对性,节约时间) 认真分析 (理解表格构) 细读—分析整合信息 准确表达 归纳概括—高度概括 严谨表达 复查 (大小写,单词数量,书写规范 拼写错误,答案是否对称等)

4.注意表达的概括性:平常要善于积累典型的概括性词汇.如: reason cause effect result names dates time age sex number origin source resource color features characteristics item subject course practice event use type quality quantity percentage requirement product degree purpose aim goal measure steps occupation profession similarity difference advice suggestion tip opinions problem advantage disadvantage benefit solution way area region …

文章 表格 (简单 明了 准确) 分析表格结构和内容 准确定位填空的要求 (以时间 地点 因果对比性设题) 抓住文章的框 架及每段大意 直接信息题 组织信息题 综合信息题 理解文章内容 正确获取信息 查读 归纳概括 转换信息 正确表述

America's hard-working people Types of holidays 76. ________ Names of holidays Figures or events honored 84. _________________ patriotic Labor Day 81. _____________________ first Monday of September 78. _______________ Christopher Columbus second Monday of October Thanksgiving Day 82. last Thursday of November 79. _____________ men who have served in the American army November 11 77. _________ Washington's Birthday George Washington third Monday of February Lincoln 's Birthday Abraham Lincoln Independence Day signing of the Declaration of Independence 85. ____________ religious 80. resurrection of Christ sometime between March 22 and April 25 Christmas 83. _________________ December 25 Dates of celebration America's hard-working people Columbus Day first big harvest Veterans' Day political July 4 Easter Christ's birth

Ⅱ.方法: 1.直接信息题---查读法获取信息 1).带着问题有意识地在细节处和关键处做标记 2).根据最醒目的字眼(time age number place…) 3.依据信息词 ●Who what when where why how ● First then after that next finally ● Because thus lead to is cause by as a result of ● Likeness alike common just as either…or ● But while instead different from ● On the contrary on the other hand however/yet/still

2.组织信息正确表述的方法 1)去掉虚词a/the/one’s the first big harvest 2)用名词所有格 “ ’s ”代替 of 湖南79: the longer living of citizens citizen’s longer living 3)词性转换 He is from China Chinese 4)句子结构转换(用名词短语、非谓语短语代句子) eg… will be a gradual change in the family unit , …will be a change in the proportion of the nation’s workforce. ____________________________________ _______________________________________ “Family unit change” “workforce proportion change” The dishes tastes delicious. delicious dishes

3.归纳概括信息的方法 概括性(在最大程度上覆盖栏内信息) 针对性(不能太大或太小,量体裁衣,大小度) 醒目性(注意措辞) 概括性词语的要求 针对性(不能太大或太小,量体裁衣,大小度) 醒目性(注意措辞) 请熟悉常见概括性词的意义及用法区别: source reason effect date cause resource result time excuse consequence times/period origin advice event courses aim kind suggestion affair subjects goal type

Try to finish the two passages after class and check the answers Asignment for today : Try to finish the two passages after class and check the answers by yourselves

Thank you