Imaging of the respiratory system 呼吸系统影像学 Radiology Department Wang xiaoying 王霄英
Key Points Select of the imaging technique Normal appearances of X-ray, CT and MR images Imaging features of different pathological changes: consolidaton, atelectasis, interstitial diseases, calcification, node and mass, cavity, emphysema, effusion
Imaging modalities of respiratory system [good natural contrast] X-ray basic, screening CT routine MRI DSA
思考题 女性,20岁,发热(37.6℃)、咳嗽,听诊双下肺呼吸音粗。采用何种影像检查方法? 女性,20岁,剧烈咳嗽后胸闷、憋气,听诊右肺呼吸音消失。采用何种影像检查方法? 女性,20岁,低热、咳嗽、盗汗,查体未见明显阳性体征。结核菌素试验强阳性。采用何种影像检查方法? 女性,20岁,反复咳血,查体未见明显阳性体征。采用何种影像检查方法?
Tumor of the lung primary benign Malignant secondary
primary bronchogenic carcinoma of lung
Central type
1 4 2 3
Peripheral type
bronchioloalveolar carcinoma
metastatic tumor of lung
Screening of the lung cancer
tumor and cyst of the mediastinum
思考题 男性,68岁,半年来反复低热、咳嗽、咳痰,体重减轻。胸片示反复发作的右上肺炎。应采用何种影像检查? 男性,70岁,胸部体检发现右上肺新出现小结节病灶。应采用何种影像检查? 男性,30岁。胸片体检发现纵隔增宽,应采用何种影像检查? 如怀疑为钙化性病变,应用何种影像检查? 患者有造影剂过敏感史,应用何种影像检查?