指導老師:鄭束女老師 組員:龔燕亭、王曉貞 蔡佩彣、楊雅蘭 胡芳綺、游爵伃


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Presentation transcript:

指導老師:鄭束女老師 組員:龔燕亭、王曉貞 蔡佩彣、楊雅蘭 胡芳綺、游爵伃 英文期末報告 指導老師:鄭束女老師 組員:龔燕亭、王曉貞 蔡佩彣、楊雅蘭 胡芳綺、游爵伃

印度India 日本Japan 韓國Korea 澳洲Australia 埃及Egypt 荷蘭 Netherlands

墨西哥 Mexico 加拿大Canada 法國France 英國England


This is a map of India.

阿格拉Agra 孟買Mumbai 德里Delhi 泰姬瑪哈陵Taj Mahal 世界七大奇景之一 捷普Jaipur 粉紅城市 阿格拉Agra 孟買Mumbai 德里Delhi

Peacock is the national bird of India.

Something you should be careful when you go to India. Right hand Left hand

Hokkaido (日本)北海道島

You can see the most exquisite fields of lavender. 你可以看到最賞心悅目的薰衣草場。


Ski Resort 滑雪場



This is their tradition building.

They can put on such clothes in the important day.

This is their main food , Kimchi

1.準備白菜、蘿蔔、蔥、辣椒、蒜等材料。 2.切好蘿蔔、蔥、蒜泥、辣椒末等,準備往白菜芯裏放。 3.白菜切成兩半後,放在鹽裏醃一夜,第二天,用流動的水清洗,再甩乾水分。

4.往鹽醃過的白菜裏添加第2項 5.用外層的白菜葉子包好裏面的,放上一週。 6.切開發酵的泡菜,放在盤子裏。

澳洲 Australia


( National Museum)國家博物館

Opera house

Famous animal Kangaroo Koala

Below is the beautiful scenery


Mummy Ancient Egyptians believed that: can the death of Fu-Shang, a death is only Kabbah (soul) to leave the body only temporarily

Pyramid The Pyramid is the mausoleum where an ancient Egyptian king builds for oneself.

Sphinx Some of the habits of animals and people of similar habits, so also has an animal gods were human phenomenon.

荷蘭 Holland

The world's largest tulip Park - Keukenhof Park

Windmill Dutch want to see windmills » One of the most ideal place to Sangsiansi.

Traditional clothing The Netherlands is not the traditional national costumes, but all regions have their own special traditional costumes.

sabots *They usually worn by the sabots : the first is black and white colors. *In a special festival, women wearing rose sabots, dark green shoes are decorated with pink and red roses.

Walk into Canada and Mexico 走入加拿大與墨西哥 Interview eternal beauty 採訪永恆的美 胡芳綺 4960R001

Mexican flag symbols independent, religion and unification. 象徵獨立、宗教與統一的墨西哥國旗。

與海鷗相遇 Meet with sea mew 美麗的墨西哥灣 Beautiful Gulf of Mexico Begining

National flower Mexico is cactus's hometown. the cactus have more than 2000 varieties, Mexico holds more than 50%, therefore has “the cactus kingdom” the fine reputation.

Ethnic dance “Labei “ is the Mexican most representative folk dance. The man wears the tradition national dress, chases the female companion. The female wears the wide long handwoven cloth skirt, feigns shy, often swing the skirt. The swing skirt appears many kinds of images.

corn person The Mexican often said: “we created the corn, the corn simultaneously also have created us, we are the corn person”.

Wlocome Canada!!! Canada is the second great nation in the world.The national discrimination is ten provinces and two special zones.

Toronto Toronto is the largest city of Canada and the fifth largest city of North America.

Montreal It is the second largest city of Canada as well as the cultural capital city of Canada.

It is the third largest city and the biggest port city of Canada. Vancouver It is the third largest city and the biggest port city of Canada.

Ottawa Ottawa is the capital city of Canada. You can find lots of cultural attractions such as Canadian heritage, museums and beautiful architectures in Ottawa.

法國 France

英國 England


工作分配 龔燕亭:印度、資料總整理 王曉貞:日本 蔡佩彣:韓國、澳洲 楊雅蘭:埃及、荷蘭 胡芳綺:墨西哥、加拿大 游爵伃:英國、法國